The Startup Marketing Blog l Incisive Edge

Why you need a Specialist Marketing Agency for your startup

Written by Julia Payne | 26 Jun 2018

As tech companies progress along their own unique, high-growth startup trajectory, they will be faced with many distractions and obstacles along the way. Feeling overwhelmed by the mounting pressures and demands that come with the well-earned growth of your startup is not uncommon. A specialist agency in digital marketing might be able to take that burden off your shoulders.

Not All Agencies Are Created Equal
Why you need a specialist marketing agency for your tech startup  

 Startup founders all over the world have to overcome the same challenges. Many spend sleepless nights worrying about how they will keep their venture capital partners (if they went through a funding round) and other stakeholders happy while also having a strong risk management process to avoid making mistakes – not to mention how they should scale.

You still have a steep hill to climb, and despite meticulously following your plan, your priorities and focus will change as you begin building and growing your business. Although you might consider yourself as an innovator and visionary, you will also need to learn a whole new set of skills that will force you out of your comfort zone.

As a tech entrepreneur and startup founder, your challenges are unique. When compared to traditional sectors, the tech industry is incredibly fast-moving and highly competitive.  Tech marketing is not an area where you can simply hope for the best. It’s a specialist skill that must be respected. Why?

Your prospects and customers are sophisticated and resourceful. Many are confident in carrying out their own research, both on and offline, before making a decision or even starting a conversation with a company. And that conversation will be on their terms. Compared to years gone by, your target prospects are much further along their customer journey before they seek engagement with your sales team.

To further muddy the waters, there is an increasing number of decision-makers continuously being added to B2B purchase decisions. Influencing this growing team, that could also be armed with unrealistic expectation levels, is challenging in itself. But this is why you need a marketing strategy that puts your prospects at the very heart of that strategy.

Rather than banging your head against the wall and trying to get them to see the world from your point of view, you need to unlock the ability to see the world through your prospects’ eyes.

The harsh reality is that you are tasked with increasing both your revenue and growth to satisfy your investors, your board, and stakeholders. To achieve this goal, you need to attract customers, generate leads and close sales. But you need to do it fast. No wonder you are feeling the pressure. This is why you need to arm yourself with marketing expertise to kick start your ambitions.

What you need is a partner who really understands 

Every startup is different. What you need is a partner who understands. A partner with the expertise to meet your individual goals and specific challenges. Whether it’s an extra pair of hands, an external perspective on your strategy or specialist skills that’s required, they will provide you with that much-needed peace-of-mind that you have been searching for.

Having someone on speed-dial, that understands the pressures of each growth stage and the demands made by Venture Capital partners or other investors is invaluable to both your business and your well-being. When planning, building and growing your business, there is no shame in admitting that you need a helping hand. If anything, this self-awareness should be considered a strength. 

In the technology industry, most companies like yours are probably faced with a long list of actionable requirements such as innovative website design, lead generation, improved customer experience, content creation, brand positioning, and awareness. Once again, these requirements highlight why you need a tech marketing expert on your side. One who understands your situation and your need. In an ideal world, all B2B customer journeys would be completed online without needing to engage with your sales team. Unfortunately, the tech industry contains a myriad of complexities that often lengthen the average sales cycle.

In order to reach your revenue and growth targets, you will need a marketing methodology – one that is focused on success. A process which increases the efficiency of your entire marketing and sales engine. A process to deliver results. A good marketing strategy will generate leads which your sales team can successfully transform into customers.

One of the most frequently asked questions by startup founders is, how do I market my startup? There is no one size fits all answer, but anyone who wants to deliver tangible results from marketing will need to implement a process that is designed around your objectives. Today, anyone can be a marketer - on the surface, marketing can be easy - but to get it right, it can be notoriously hard, and this is why getting external expertise is often the smartest decision you can make as a founder. Having that support enables you to meet your goals - faster.

Growing your business is one of the most significant challenges that you will face on your startup journey. Whilst there are no shortcuts, we have developed a framework used by some of the fastest growing startups and which is used to generate high-quality leads and drive sustainable revenue growth.

You can access this valuable information by downloading the Tech Founder's Guide To Startup Marketing.

There is no substitute for working alongside a strategic partner that understands your challenges and how to overcome them. If you are serious about marketing your startup and taking your business to the next level, a tech startup marketing expert will help get you further and faster than making the trip alone.

Vast experience driving sustainable revenue growth

Here at Incisive Edge, we also have vast experience working with some of the most successful and fastest growing tech startups. We also ease the pressure on founders by showing them how to generate high-quality leads and drive sustainable revenue growth.

Over the years we have developed our proven approach for planning and delivering tech startup marketing programmes to increase revenue and growth. Our methodology is used by many of the fastest growing tech startups to generate high-quality leads and drive sustainable revenue growth. 

Every founder knows that most startups fail because they fail to sustain their business growth, the trick is not allowing yourself to become overwhelmed and consumed by your fears. When faced with the challenge of meeting your goals quicker, maybe it's time to admit that your startup would be much more comfortable with support from a tech startup marketing expert.

Nothing will ever replace strategic thinking, creativity, and good old-fashioned hard work. But, the first lesson for any start-up founder is the realisation that bootstrapping will only get you so far and you cannot do everything yourself. That is where a full service agency that enables businesses across different sectors and in every online platform to thrive saves the day.

Back to you rowth

Your first step to growing your business is to download the Tech Founders Guide To Startup Marketing. When you are ready to take your tech startup to the next level, why not  get in touch to start a conversation with one of our marking experts who are ready to replace your fears and nagging doubts with peace-of-mind. As a specialist marketing agency with a proven track record for tech startups, we'd love to help and offer valuable input to achieve rapid growth.