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How to Use the Customer Voice for Better Conversions Today

Written by Jeni Rogers | 12 May 2018

Even with an innovative marketing strategy, effectiveness can be compromised if the customer's voice is neglected. It's important to gather customer insights and use satisfaction metrics to understand their needs and preferences. Microsoft Dynamics can be a valuable tool to collect and analyse this data, leading to more effective marketing decisions.

Use your Customer's Voice to Create Powerful Content that Converts

Even if you create an innovative marketing strategy, it’s still very likely that it won’t be as effective if you neglect one thing -- your customer’s voice. 

If your target audience doesn’t know you’re speaking to them or doesn’t think your messaging applies to them, then your campaign will not be effective. To make sure your messaging and marketing content resonates with your customers, the voice you use needs to be a familiar one -- the customer’s. 

Or if you’re in B2B -- your client’s. 

Recent research has demonstrated that the impact of reviews in conversions does not just apply to B2C businesses. In fact, customer engagement and net promoter score have become increasingly important metrics in measuring the success of both B2C and B2B companies.

In fact, according to a recent B2B buyer survey conducted by TrustRadius, 49% of respondents said they used reviews for guiding buying decisions. 51% of these responses were from individuals in a director or above position in their business. 

Let's take a deeper look at some of the key ways you can harness the power of your customer's voice through reviews and testimonials, to create convincing content that converts. By analyzing customer journey and customer voice data from these reviews, businesses can gain valuable insights into the customer experience and use this information to improve their offerings and messaging.

Check out the following blogs for more information:

Use Authenticity as a Guiding Principle for Review

Consumers not only make the majority of their purchases online, they also use the internet and its abounding resources to research brands and make their buying decisions as well. A powerful way to capture your customer’s voice is by asking for reviews. 

Source: November 2017 poll of 680 buyers on

 Placing reviews on your website will automatically help you to build credibility, attract more leads and give you great content for your marketing efforts. However, you can add another layer of conversion-boosting potential by creating targeted landing pages for different segments of your market, rather than directing all your traffic to your main website. Incorporating reviews on your landing pages can further reinforce your marketing and help you drive more conversions. 

Encouraging customers to provide honest feedback through a satisfaction metrics dashboard or Microsoft Forms customer satisfaction survey can help you identify areas for improvement and showcase your brand in an approachable manner. While negative reviews may seem undesirable, they present an opportunity to demonstrate excellent customer service and authenticity. Embracing imperfection can also make your business seem more genuine, adding credibility to your marketing efforts.

Gather Authentic Testimonials

Testimonials are a great way to implement modern day, word-of-mouth marketing for your business, but to work, they need to be authentic. Humans are skeptical by nature, especially when they feel they’re being fast talked or “sold” to.  However, a recommendation from someone they see as “just like me” will help immensely in motivating the decision to buy.

Claim Your Listing

As a business owner or marketing executive, your focus is likely centered around building a stellar product or service, creating a compelling message and growing your brand through creative campaigns. Your business has a 24/7 source of reviews and customer feedback that you may be inadvertently, but completely missing out on if you have unclaimed listings online. 

To fully incorporate your customer’s voice into your marketing, you need to ensure that you are looking everywhere online that they may be engaging with your brand. You can start this process by simply googling your company. Look for any listings or online directories that you didn’t create for your business and claim them. 

Next you should ensure that the messaging on these pages matches your branding and look for any reviews or feedback that customers have provided. Claiming your listings is a simple step that will ensure that you’re able to keep track of all your reviews, capture a full picture of your customer’s voice, and manage your brand conversation thoroughly.

Infuse Customer Feedback into Your Marketing

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you should listen to what your customers are saying. Customer feedback, reviews, testimonials and any data you can glean from your marketing tools will all help you understand your customers much more intimately. Leveraging what your customers are already saying can also help you build a word-of-mouth marketing team who help promote your brand with reviews and testimonials.

Jeni Rogers is a researcher and regular contributor to TrustRadius, where she shares her knowledge of the latest trends in B2B news and software.

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